Brakes & Drivetrain
Friday March 15th 6pm
Learn about the different brake and drive components on your bike and how they function, what to look for when they don’t and how to prevent costly repairs. Don’t forget to bring your bike to save 10% savings off your total bill.*some restrictions apply

Interior Suspension Work Shop
Thursday February 29th 6pm
Kevin from Interior Suspension will take us through how suspension works and why maintenance is so important. He will also show us how to set up our suspension correctly and how to tune it for our riding preferences. Don’t forget to bring your bike!

E-Bike Deep Dive
Friday March 8th 6pm
Learn about the different electric components of your bike and how they work together, how to care for your e-bike and how to customize your electric components. Note: only available for Bosch, Specialized, Giant and Shimano equipped electric bikes. Don’t forget to bring your bike to save 10% savings off your total bill.* some restrictions apply